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Showing 1 to 23 of 23
Showing 1 to 23 of 23

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As an unfulfilled 18-year-old trying to wriggle through life without a mother, Lucia Madu's life was far from being blissful. With her dreams of acquiring tertiary education hanging in the bala   ... Read More


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This book is about a teen girl named Benita who got pregnant in secondary school due to poor parenting, bad friends and curiosity.
She didn't learn her mistake but went further to commit   ... Read More


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This book is about society. it is about the necessity of humans to evolve, to search the truth about themselves and continue to change for the better. And because change is necessary, it requires k   ... Read More


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Kingdom Tales is a dystopian allegory about a group of animal kingdoms fighting for power, love and total control of other kingdoms.

Charles Umerie wrote this book as an allegory to the e   ... Read More


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A short story by Naana Antwi Larbi, a Ghanian fiction writer. 

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A short story by Naana Antwi Larbi, a Ghanian fiction writer. 

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A short story by Naana Antwi Larbi a Ghanian fiction writer 

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Salma bint AbdulSalam is an 18-year-old girl who is full of life and wisdom. She lived her days on earth
like it was penned down by the best of the authors-The creator.
All the steps   ... Read More


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Four lives intertwined at a crossroad. All faced with difficulties with only one way out, it was the last card or so they thought. but who had the courage to go ahead with it? Who would have expect   ... Read More


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At a young age, Promise is molested by her uncle, and her life is never the same again. She grows up to be promiscuous, using sex to meet basic necessities and luxuries of life. She’s intrigu   ... Read More


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Odion, a beautiful and elegant girl, despite being raped by a trusted uncle, succeeded in carving out a niche for herself. Her story, though deeply touching, is a reflection of the travails of an a   ... Read More


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"The Holes Under My Nose" focuses on the divides, primarily, between Northern and Southern Nigeria. At the center of this captivating story stands Kange, who is from a minority ethnic gro   ... Read More


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A family man led his family into uncertainty through his desire for wealth accumulation forgetting that it'   ... Read More


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The book, The Smiling Tears of Mariama, is a lifting motivational book for everyone. It tells the true-life story of a lady whose determination for success never made her rest, and whose resilience   ... Read More


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The Path takes you down the path of success in the world of Sarah and Rayan. It reveals their struggles, challenges and dedication on their way to achieve success, both in the physical and emotiona   ... Read More


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This is the story of a teenage girl called Amelia, a victim of two rape incidents. Amelia is the daughter of a mostly absent father and a less circumspect mother. She has endured undeserved shame a   ... Read More


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People journey to Europe through the Libyan route. Most of them pay the price with their lives while just a few survive the harrowing experiences of the journey.

The book 'Bleeding Ho   ... Read More


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Anyone looking for a romantic story set in Africa and fitted with the colourful accessories of culture, should read Talo. The tale has real and lovable characters, scenes that are so vivid and a pl   ... Read More


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Faith brutally discovered that her marriage and home have been hijacked unimaginably. She resorts to communion with her Father and draw strength from Him. The exchange is one woman's   ... Read More


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"The Love Exposed" serves as a comprehensive guide to navigating the world of love, helping you understand both the art of giving and receiving love. It provides insights into the proper   ... Read More


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The Native Child is the story of a young boy, seventeen years of age, who learns to survive in a post independent Nigeria, just after the civil war. Having passed through   ... Read More


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Surefoot is an interactive, adventure, fictional story about a young princess from the Omahi tribe, who goes on an expedition to the Mountain of Lanogoza, seeking the hea   ... Read More
